28 August 2007

Here are a couple of pictures from the past week or two, I've been too busy to send people pictures like I promised them, but I'll get to it soon, hopefully in time to send them along with Jeff. By the way, this is my first post, so welcome and enjoy. I won't be posting every day, so don't bother checking it every day.

He has such blue eyes!


Rebecca said...

Wow! Steven has a blog! So cool! I'm so glad--and what cute kids on your blog, too! ;)

Anonymous said...

GO PEVEY! I like the blog! Now you can put some military pics on there too so we can see top secret stuff! jk Love Ya Stacey

Nancy said...

You hid your blue eyes with your shades! Nice photos.

David & Kate said...

hey steven i so glad u had a blog im lookig forward for more pictures and to see soon love kate and jeff